Dienstag, 31. Mai 2016

New aquarium cabinet with porthole - Interzoo 2016 with Waltron Daytime LED

For the Interzoo, we presented a new original model of aquarium cabinet. The front is made of an old porthole coming from a old vessel. The cabinet itself is made of reclaimed wood.

This new design has been presented with the flexible LED from Waltron Daytime

Porthole furniture for aquarium
Porthole cabinet for aquarium at Interzoo 2016

The porthole can be open and the aquarium technical equipment can be stored inside.

Porthole can be opened for aquarium techique
Aluminium porthole (original) as cabinet front

As we are using solid recycled wood and aluminum (for the porthole), this furniture can also be used without problem for marine tank.

The new cabinet will be made for aquarium 70x50 cm and 100x50 cm. On demand for small chain, we can also customized the dimensions and the design.

Again Aqua Ambiente shows that special attention is put on new design for tank cabinet and as usually the furniture are eco-friendly and made of recycling.