Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2015

Aqua Ambiente - Green Aqua Hungary

Green Aqua will present in the future our range in their shop near Budapest (Hungary). Green Aqua is already well known and seen as probably one of the best and competent aquascaping partner in Europe.

Green Aqua will first introduce a small range for nano cube and small cabinets for aquariums. The range will be extended next year to bigger tanks.

Of course our range is different than the Standard ADA Style usually proposed by aquascapers but in this way, new customers can be reached.

As usually, the furniture are eco-friendly by using recycled components - A good lifestyle ecologic alternative in the aquascaping world

More Information on their Homepage

Tank furniture made af recycled wood - Shop Green Aqua Budapest
Cabinets for aquarium from Aqua Ambiente - Green Aqua Hungary

Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2015

New models coming

End of  February 2016, new standard models of cabinet for aquariums will be available, beside the one already shown:
- Nano columns                       30x30x100
- Cabinets 1 door                     60x30x75
- Cabinets 2 doors                   80x35x75
All models available in 4 finishings:
1) Natural Wood
2) Original colored Wood
3) Pastel blue
4) White brushed

Samstag, 14. November 2015

New look - Shabby Chic, Rustic, White brushed, Multi Colors,...

Now you can find aquarium cabinets from a different style fitting your individual needs.

It doesn’t really matter if you look for furniture in rustic style, shabby chic, neo colonial with many different colors, white brushed finishing, natural wood, …. All is now possible and can be adapted to many lifestyle and gives a perfect “Ambiente” at home.

All these cabinets are made to fit standard tank dimensions (from nano cube to bigger aquarium) and are all unique furniture made of eco-friendly recycled wood.

Jetzt können Sie Schränke für Aquarium von einem anderen Stil finden - Und alles passend zu Ihrem individuellen Bedarf.

Es spielt eigentlich keine Rolle, ob Sie rustikale Möbel, shabby chic Unterschränke, neo Kolonial Einrichtung mit vielen verschiedenen Farben, weiß gebürstet oder Naturholz Schränke suchen.  Alles ist jetzt möglich, kann zu vielen Lifestyle angepasst werden und bietet eine perfekte "Ambiente" zu Hause.
Schränke für Aquarium (rustkal, shabby chic, natur)
New cabinet for aquarium presented at fair - Neue Schränke auf Messe -
 Shabby chic, Rustikal, Natur, White brushed....

All these cabinets are made to fit standard tank dimensions (from nano cube to bigger aquarium) and are all unique furniture made of eco-friendly recycled wood.
Alle diese Schränke sind für standard Aquarien gemacht, von Nano bis große Abmessungen – Und alles aus Recycling und  umweltfreundlich.

Sonntag, 1. November 2015

New cabinets for aquarium at EXOTIKA - Schränke für Messe in Prague

We just presented new cabinets for aquariums at the fair EXOTIKA near Prague. With These furniture, we target middle sizes tanks (60x30 cm and 80c35 cm). In the near future, we will also present bigger cabinets for aquarium 100-150 cm.

Eben auf der Messe EXOTIKA vorgestellt - Aquarium Schränke für Becken 60x30 cm, 80 x 35 cm und Nano - Bald werden wir auch 100-150 cm Schränke haben

Schränke für Aquarium - Furniture for tanks
Lifestyle cabinet furniture for tanks - Ambiente Schränke für Aquarium

As usually, we are proud to propose only eco-friendly products made of recycled wood. The other advantages are that all cabinets are unique pieces and the finishing can be adapted to many lifestyle and ambiente at home. Using solid wood from recycling, the furniture are particularly strong and adapted for heavy weight like tank and water will never be a problem.

Wie immer, die Schränke sind ökologisch aus Holz (Recycling); Wasser und Gewicht (Aquarium) sind kein Problem. Oberfläsche und immer anders; also Unikate für zuhause. Lifestyle pur .....

Small cabinet for tanks - Kleine Schränke für Aquarium Sets
Schrank für Aqurium 60x30 cm aus Holz (Recycling) - Cabinet furniture for tanks

Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2015

Cabinet for aquarium set 60x30 cm - Aquarienschrank für design Set

New small cabinet for aquarium sets 60x30 cm. Recycled wood with natural light white brushed finishing fitting to traditional wood environment but also to many other home decoration.

Schrank für Aquarium 60x30 cm aus Holz (Recycling) mit natur Finishing hell weiß.
Optik sehr schön und aussergewöhnlich
Schrank für Aquarium mit EHEIM Power LED
Design Unterschrank für Aquarium 60x30 cm

Convenient cabinet with traditional drawer but also unusual design with fruit basket.
 Bequem mit Schublade und ausserfgewöhnliches Design mit Obstkorb.
Alles aus Holz aus Recycling

Schrank für Aquarien - Schön und praktisch
Aquarienschrank - Praktisch mit Schublade und Korb
Nice optic with small tank and design EHEIM Power LED.
Dazu Aquarium mit EHEIM Power LED als Beleuchtung

Aquarium Schrank mit EHEIM Power LED
Aquarium Set mit EHEIm Power LED

Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015

Neu samples for aquarium - Muster Aquarienschränke

Some new samples for aquarium 60x30 and 80x35 just arrived. All cabinets are made of recycled wood and eco-freindly. With different finishing, we are able to fit these furniture all many home decoration (classic, rustic, vintage, young living,....). A further step to push aquariology and new tank designs to real lifestyle items. We will present these cabinet soon as combinaition with aquariums

Neue Muster für Aquarien 60x30 und 80x35 cm angetroffen. Die Schränke sind alle Unikate aus Recycling (Holz) und passend zu viele Einrichtungen (rustikal, vintage, modern,....).

Furniture for Aquarium - Schränke für Sets 60x30
Cabinet for Aquarium 60x30 cm - Scrkränke für Aquarien

The furniture are open on the back to allow the use of external filters. Many other models of cabinet will follow soon

Die Schränke sind offen. So können Sie Aussenfilter auch nützen. Andere Möbel werden bald folgen.

Schrank für Aquarium - Hinten Offen für Aussenfilter
Schrank für Aquarium - Auch mit Aussenfilter möglich

Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

Petsfestival Piacenza Italy - Furniture for Nano Aquarium (Dennerle, Newa,...)

First presentation of our furniture for aquarium nano cube on the fair Petsfestival in Piacenza Italy.
Here with 2 fresh water nano tank from Dennerle and Newa and 1 marine tank from Dennerle.
All furniture are made of wood coming from recycled wood and are unique pieces.

Furniture for Dennerle and Newa nano cube aquarium
Furniture for nano aquarium - Here Dennerle and Newa tanks
Ausstellung Schränke Aqua Ambiente auf der Messe Petsfestival in Piacenza in Italy.
Die Säule hier mit Newa Nano Cube und Dennerle Marine
Newa Nano Cube mit Schrank aus Recycling
Newa Nano Aquarium - Schrank aus Recycling
Schrank für Nano Cube Marine Dennerle
Dennerle Nano Cube Marine auf Säule

Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Exotika - Fair in Lysá Nad Labem near Prague

AQUA-AMBIENTE @ EXOTIKA - 28.10-01.11.2015
CZ-28922 Lysá Nad Labem (
Stand PEUKER  Akvaristik (

We will be present at the fair EXOTIKA in Lysá Nad Labem near Prague (CZ) from 28.10-01.11.2015 at the booth from PEUKER Akvaristik with our new collection for aquarium 60-80 cm.

Petsfestival - Fair in Piacenza Italy

I primi campioni per Nano saranno mostrati durante la fiera PetsFestival sul stand Carmar - Piacenza 17-18 Ottobre 2015 - - Venite a trovarci...

The first samples will be shown during the show PetFestival on the booth from Carmar.
Come and visit us....

Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2015

Nano Cube Dennerle on blue cloud

Nice column made of wood (Eco-friendly through recycling) for a Dennerle nano cube aquarium. The blue white finishing  makes it look like floating on a cloud. This furniture / tank combination fits perfectly in many environments at home.

Something special for all person looking for Lifestyle combined with Aquaristic.

Last but not least: this solution is eco-friendly by using recycled wood and all pieces are unique.

Lifestyle Schrank für Nano Dennerle
Lifestyle Schrank aus Holz für Nano Dennerle

Lifestyle und Aquaristik perfekt kombiniert.

Nano Aquarium Dennerle auf Holz Säule (Recycling) als Unikat zuhause. Alle Schränke sind Unikate, ökologische und integrieren sich fast überall.

Oberfläche hier in blau weiß.
Andere Farbe auch möglich.

Meuble écologique en bois recyclé pour votre nano aquarium Dennerle.
Toutes les colonnes sont uniques et s'intègrent parfaitement à votre intérieur.
Une combinaison parfaite entre Lifestyle et Aquariologie
Nano Aquarium Dennerle auf Holz Unterschrank
Holz Unterschrank für Nano Aquarium Dennerle

Young Living - Lifestyle furniture for the younger generation

Dealing with smaller production series, we are able to adapt our offer to all segments of customers.

Here an example of furniture for nano tank which could also please the younger generation.

The cabinet is made of recycled wood and eco-friendly. The colour is the original one and each piece is unique. A perfect example that Aquaristic and Young Living can fit together.

Lifestyle nano furniture in teenager room
Lifestyle furniture for nano aquarium - Also fitting nicely a Teenager room

Aquarienschrank aus Holz auch für Teenager gedacht.
Aus Recycling und ökologisch, alle Säule sind Unikate.
Hier für Nano Aquarium. Andere Modelle werden folgen.....

Lifestyle Schrank für Aqauarium - Young Living
Aquarienschrank für Teenager - Young Living made by Aqua Ambiente

Furniture for nano aquariums made of recycled wood

Different finishings for the same model are possible. As example, we took nano tank furniture and made them in different colour fitting the environment at home. All cabinets are made of recycled wood and gives  an eco-freindly touch beside the great look.

Unterschrank aus Holz für Nano Aquarien. Alle Schränke sind Unikate aus Holz aus Recycling und ökologisch angefertigt. Farbe nach Wunsch für Lifestyle Pur

Aquarienschrank aus Holz (Recycling)
Holz Schrank für Nano EHEIM - Recycling

Holzschrank für Nano Aquarium
Schrank für Nano Aquarium

Cabinet made of wood for nano aquarium (recycling)
Wooden furniture for nano aquarium (tank)

Mittwoch, 16. September 2015

Different finishings for furniture

Different finishing / colors are possible for the same model.
Here for example a column made of recycled eco-friendly wood for nano aquarium (tank)
Eco-friendly furniture for nano aquarium
Wooden column for nano aquarium (tanks)
The same column with 3 different finishing
Eco-friendly furniture for Aquarium - Examples of finishing

These columns can be used for nano aquariums or Terrariums.
A nice eco-friendly idea for all  recycling fans.


Example of aquarium furniture - Beispiel Aquarienmöbel

Example of aquarium furniture offered by Aqua Ambiente: eco-friendly aquarium cabinets made of recycled wood.

Beispiel Aquarienmöbel von Aqua Ambiente – Möbel (Schrank, Unterschrank, Säule, …) ökologisch aus Recycling (hier aus Holz)
Aquarium cabinet made of wood (recycled)
Aquarium cabinet - Recycled wood - unfinished
Cabinet (recycling) made for tanks
Eco-freindly aquarium furniture made of wood (Recycling)
Schrank aus Holz (Recycling) - Lifestyle
Lifestyle Schrank für Aquarien
The pieces can be adapted to all lifestyle and will perfectly fit your interior decoration.
On the following pictures, the furniture are still unfinished and the final wood color can be customized.
The design and dimensions can also be made depending on aquarium specifications.
Here examples for tanks 60 x 30 cm (1 door cabinet or small commode with drawer and kitchen basket) and for aquarium 80 x 35 cm (2 doors cabinet).
The back of the furniture has also been partly empty to allow tubes and cables coming from the tanks to go inside.
Farbe, Design, Masse können angepasst werden (Lifestyle & Design).
Hier Schrank 60x30 cm und Unterschrank 80x 35 cm (unfinished).
Die Rückseite der Möbel ist schon offen (für Kabel, Schlauch,…)
Unterschrank aus Holz für Aquarien
Unterschrank für Aquarien - Offen hinten für Kabel,....
All examples are unfinished - Finishing can be made on demand
Oberfläche kann nach Wunsch gemacht werden

Mittwoch, 26. August 2015

Lifestyle furniture for small aquarium and terrarium - Holz Möbel (Unterschrank)

Lifestyle furniture for EHEIM Terrastyle 50 and Aquastyle 24. The column is made of recycled wood and fit perfectly with the environment. A nice lifestlyle eco-friendly idea by recycling wood.
The twisted stool for the Aquastyle is also made of solid wood. The "by night" light gives a special lifestyle touch and perfect relaxing atmosphere.

Design Möbel (Unterschrank) für Aquarium und Terrarium; hier EHEIM Aquastyle 24 und Terrastyle 50 - Alles aus Holz aus Recycling - Die Möbel sind Unikate und perfekt integriert - Ökologisch und Lifestyle Lösung.

Lifestyle Holz Möbel aus Recycling für EHEIM Terrastyle und Aquastyle
EHEIM Terrastyle und Aquastyle - Lifestyle Ambiente by night

Holz Möbel (Säule) für EHEIM Terrastyle - Lifestyle Design Einrichtung
Holz Säule aus Recycling für EHEIM Terrastyle


Youtube video - EHEIM Aquastyle - Lifestyle Möbel aus Holz - Design wooden Furniture

Dienstag, 25. August 2015

Terrastyle EHEIM with recycled wood furniture

Lifestyle Säuleaus Holz aus Recycling mit EHEIM Terrastyle 50
Terrastyle EHEIM with recycling wooden furniture.
The color of the column can be adapted on customer needs.
Full eco-friendly lifestyle concept which fits your interior.
Terrastyle EHEIM 50
Ökologischer Säule aus Holz
Ökologisch durch Recycling - Lifestyle & Design Einrichtung.
Nouveau Terrarium EHEIM sur colonne en bois recycle Concept écologique mettant en valeur le Terrasyle et s'adaptant à votre intérieur

EHEIM Terrarium mit Säule aus Recycling

Donnerstag, 20. August 2015

Nano Aquarium at Home

Nano Aquarium at home on a wooden stool - Easy way to expose your tank in a nicer way

EHEIM Aquastyle 24 Liter auf Holz Unterschrank 

Freitag, 31. Juli 2015



Aqua Ambiente s.r.o.
Jana Švermy 1391
CZ-46851 Smržovka

Tel.: +420 483 346090
mail: web @

Identifikační číslo: 044 22 350
Datum zápisu: 22. září 2015
Spisová značka: C 36282 vedená u Krajského soudu v Ústí nad Labem